Monday, January 5, 2015

Working hard, fast, and with anticipation

This project has enabled me to go into the studio automatically every day and set up the palette and get to work, a very good habit to have formed.  I have plans for right after this project is completed and can't wait to start on other things so I have a good chance of continuing my good habit.

I started early yesterday and had to stop in the early afternoon to bring paintings to the Newburyport Art Association for the upcoming show.  I hope they get in.  I noticed work from a couple of upper level artists among the pieces received, so I'm very happy to see that the show will be high class.  The NAA shows have been looking better and better. I think, for a while, the better artists have not been showing so I hope the competition gets harder and harder.  I love a challenge.

Today I completed the one I started yesterday (or maybe the day before, who can remember) decided not to touch one of the sketches, and decided to only the the background on another sketch, which I did do.  I'm starting on another sketch this afternoon that needs considerable work, but after this one, I hope the next three or four will go fast as they don't need a lot of work.  You know me, I don't know how to 'just do a little bit' on them.  We'll see.

I have heard from a newspaper correspondent who is doing a story of the project, and I'm working on narrative material for the photo book.  I just realized I need to do another distribution email list for the people who were models for the project.

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