Sunday, March 22, 2015

Playing in the purple mud

Painting the Garden
I've strolled down those garden paths quite a few times, trying to find the right color and value to portray the mud in the paths and I haven't even started on the puddles.  Finally, I had scrap the purple idea, it needed more light and the cool color wasn't working.  I worked with the puddles too for a while and scrapped them as well.

I did check my inventory of moldings and have a half dozen that will work, so when it's finished I'll take it downstairs to my carpentry shop and see which one works best.

I'm really getting fond of these acrylic paints.  It seems that I can work closer to my own speed with them.  When you want to rework an area, it only takes a few minutes and you can go back into it and the colors stay as intense as you mix them.

Today's post to DPW's auction, click to bid.

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