Sunday, November 20, 2016

Skater Icon/Logo--rush job

On Saturday, Nov.  19th, I got up early as I was very motivated to paint a skater logo or icon on the outside of the Skateland building.
There are very few warm days left to paint outside.  I wish I could paint the new visible end wall side of the building since the vacant lot next door has been cleared leaving a beautiful view of the building.
The problem is that it is the north side and the cement blocks feel like 32 degrees.  I’ll try to find out how to paint on a cold surface, but don’t hold out much hope.
Since I was planning to go into Boston at 1:00 and the rink would be opening then as well, I literally raced to get this done in the approximately 4-hour window I had.  I started from scratch
although I had done the drawing the night before on a piece of paper.
So first I put together some foamboards and cardboards large enough to fit the drawing on to make it into a stencil.

Then I drew the image onto a piece of plastic, some recycled scrap, I’m big on recycling.  Then I projected that onto the boards, drew around the inside of the marking, took it down and cut along the drawing line with a razor knife–pretty hard to do with a dull blade and in a hurry, fortified the stencil as best I could with tape and dragged it outside.

 First I had to make a run to the local hardware store as I needed exterior spray primer and top coat–great stuff that dried in 10 minutes per coat.  I mixed up some black paint for the outline.  Taped the stencil to the outside wall with masking tape and did 2 primer coats and 2 finish coats and the outline.  First I did one outline and realized it needed a thicker outline so went around the first outline.  I finished one minute before the manager arrived and in plenty of time to head into Boston!!!

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