Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Lots to do

Paint first, that's my motto.  I'm going to paint right after this, and unfortunately, it's not the first thing I've done today.  In order they are:
Check my inventory for what needs to be framed for the upcoming solo show.
Look through my frame inventory to see what I have that would fit.
Look through two frame company's' sites to see what to order.
Order from two different sites.
Make up Artist Statement for entry for Newburyport Portrait Show acceptance.
Send Artist Statement to NBPT.
Update a web site that I author.
Make up the package to mail to person who bought a painting.
Take photos and upload of packaging for my web page.
I'll edit that web page shipping info later.
Realized that I need a shipping area (department) here as stuff is not all in one place.
Think about flyers, etc. for upcoming solo show.
Email printing company about making giclees of paintings I may have to enter in another show.
Go to DPW and upload today's auction painting.
Go to my sales page and add the painting and auction info.
Go back to DPW to upload that auction to my fan FB page.
Go HERE and write this daily report.
I'm surprised that I can even remember what I've been doing, probably missed something.
Now I'll go paint.
p.s. I couldn't go to the post office and mail the painting because it's snowing out again.

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