Mary Pyche, 12x12", oil on canvas, For Grandpa. $150 |
This was my submission to
Carol's 4 in 4 Challenge. I painted one a day for four days. That wasn't the challenge however, it was to paint an object on three colors of paper four different times. My photo is dark, maybe I'll go in and try to lighten it. I fussed over the first one, taking photos, cropping them, printing them out and painting from one of them. Then I noticed that the colors were more vivid in real life as opposed to the printed photo, so I painted the other three from life.
The price is $150 and you can reach me by email: mypche@comcast.net
It is painted on canvas and will be affixed to gatorboard or masonite, your choice.
I haven't been submitting to DPW for a long time now and have to spend some time improving my site and getting my PayPal going, etc.
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