Sunday, May 4, 2014

People Painting People, The Merrimacians

I've been working on an idea for the month of August to ask local people to sit for portraits and anyone who likes to paint portraits can come and paint them.  I'm not sure if I should expand the sitters to the general area residents or just my town.  Naturally, the artists can be from anywhere.  I'd like to somehow make this a fundraiser for our Senior Center, but can't figure out how to do that yet.  The Merrimac Library will host a show of these portraits later this year, should it become a reality.

Why do this?  
Well, I'd love to have the opportunity to paint more portraits.  Like anything, practice helps.  An artist that I admire greatly, Rose Frantzen, has done a similar thing in her community herself and you can see the portraits she painted and the presentation of them here:

I'm making up a few flyers to post at local places asking for volunteers/sitters during the month of August this year, and based on how many people reply and schedule a sitting, I can take it from there.

1. Get people to sit.
2. Find places to paint
3. Get artists to join in 
4. How to make it a fundraier
5. Make a facebook page to keep everyone up-to-date on the progress and schedule.
6.  Make the portable platform and get lighting, fan, clock, whatever is needed.

Your comments, suggestions are welcome!  I just made a facebook page for this community event, so check it out from time to time or leave your comments there. Facebook People Painting People page

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