Sunday, September 9, 2012

At the farm--Last painting day

With the road cleared from the washout and being a warm and sunny day, it was a gorgeous day of painting at the farm of our very gracious hosts Maria and Hans Rogen and their very industrious son, Gerhardt, and his wife, Sandra. The countryside and view of the mountains and glacier from the farm were very inspirational, and evidencing the life on the farm with a peek into their daily lives, extended family, little ones, sheep being herded and cattle escaping their fields, made for an incredibly peaceful and rewarding day. A hardy lunch of barley soup and variety of homemade breads, wines and beers, served on the back of a wagon and cake and coffee later on kept us well fueled. The granddad lead the little ones up the field with a tarp and cushion and RAN down dragging the SLEIGH behind much to the delight of the children. Carol went hiking and tried out the new poles. The exhibition of everyone's masterpieces occurred during dinner and had our final gourmet meal with everyone in attendance. A few left today and tomorrow one part leaves for the U.S. and the other for Switzerland.

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